Non-pharmacological interventions for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD)


Webster Katie E1,Kamo Tomohiko2,Smith Laura3,Harrington-Benton Natasha A4,Judd Owen5,Kaski Diego6,Maarsingh Otto R7,MacKeith Samuel8,Ray Jaydip9,Van Vugt Vincent A7,Burton Martin J10


1. Cochrane ENT, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences; University of Oxford; Oxford UK

2. Department of Physical Therapy; Faculty of Rehabilitation, Gunma Paz University; Gunma Japan

3. School of Psychology; University of Kent; Canterbury UK

4. Ménière's Society; Dorking UK

5. ENT Department; University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust; Derby UK

6. National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery; London UK

7. Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of General Practice; Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute; Amsterdam Netherlands

8. ENT Department; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Oxford UK

9. University of Sheffield; Sheffield UK

10. UK Cochrane Centre; Oxford UK




Pharmacology (medical)

Reference81 articles.

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