Implications of Inflammatory Processes on a Developing Central Nervous System in Childhood‐Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


van der Heijden Hanne1ORCID,Rameh Vanessa2,Golden Emma2,Ronen Itamar3,Sundel Robert P.2,Knight Andrea4ORCID,Chang Joyce C.2,Upadhyay Jaymin5


1. Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, and University of Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands

2. Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts

3. Brighton and Sussex Medical School University of Sussex Brighton UK

4. The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada

5. Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston and McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School Belmont Massachusetts


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that is increasingly affecting pediatric and adult populations. Neuropsychiatric manifestations (ie, cognitive dysfunction and mood disorders) appear to occur with greater severity and poorer prognosis in childhood‐onset SLE (cSLE) versus adult‐onset SLE, negatively impacting school function, self‐management, and psychosocial health, as well as lifelong health‐related quality of life. In this review, we describe pathogenic mechanisms active in cSLE, such as maladaptive inflammatory processes and ischemia, which are hypothesized to underpin central phenotypes in patients with cSLE, and the role of alterations in protective central nervous system (CNS) barriers (ie, the blood–brain barrier) are also discussed. Recent findings derived from novel neuroimaging approaches are highlighted because the methods employed in these studies hold potential for identifying CNS abnormalities that would otherwise remain undetected with conventional multiple resonance imaging studies (eg, T2‐weighted or fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery sequences). Furthermore, we propose that a more robust presentation of neuropsychiatric symptoms in cSLE is in part due to the harmful impact of a chronic inflammatory insult on a developing CNS. Although the immature status of the CNS may leave patients with cSLE more vulnerable to harboring neuropsychiatric manifestations, the same property may represent a greater urgency to reverse the maladaptive effects associated with a proneuroinflammatory state, provided that effective diagnostic tools and treatment strategies are available. Finally, considering the crosstalk among the CNS and other organ systems affected in cSLE, we postulate that a finer understanding of this interconnectivity and its role in the clinical presentation in cSLE is warranted.image






Immunology,Rheumatology,Immunology and Allergy







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