A premature newborn born to an adolescent girl with acute Ebola virus disease and malaria survives in a resource‐limited setting in an Ebola treatment unit in DR Congo: “A case report”


Imani‐Musimwa Prince123ORCID,Grant Emilie4ORCID,Feza‐Malira Micheline5,Mbala‐Kingebeni Placide67ORCID,Buhoro‐Baabo Gisèle8,Zawadi‐Endanda Espérence8ORCID,Fraterne‐Muhayangabo Rigo35ORCID,Claris‐Mwatsi Inès13ORCID,Tsongo‐Kibendelwa Zacharie9,Nyakio‐Ngeleza Olivier10,Juakali‐Kyolov Sihali11,Wembonyama‐Okitosho Stanis312,Sengey‐Mushengezi‐Amani Dieudonné13ORCID,Mukadi‐Bamuleka Daniel6714ORCID,Ververs Mija4ORCID


1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine University of Goma Goma Democratic Republic of Congo

2. Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche et Promotion des Droits à la Santé (CIRPRODS) Bukavu Democratic Republic of Congo

3. School of Public Health University of Goma Goma Democratic Republic of Congo

4. Center for Humanitarian Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Baltimore Maryland USA

5. International Medical Corps (IMC) Goma Democratic Republic of Congo

6. Institut National de Recherche Biomedicale (INRB) Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo

7. Departement of Medical Biology, School of Medicine University of Kinshasa Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo

8. Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, School of Medicine University of Goma Goma Democratic Republic of Congo

9. Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine University of Kisangani Kisangani Democratic Republic of Congo

10. Departement of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine Official University Of Bukavu Bukavu Democratic Republic of Congo

11. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine University of Kisangani Kisangani Democratic Republic of Congo

12. Department Pediatrics and Neonatology, School of Medicine University of Lumbumbashi Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo

13. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine University of Kinshasa Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo

14. Rodolphe Mérieux INRB‐Goma Laboratory Goma Democratic Republic of Congo


Key Clinical MessageIn the acute phase of Ebola virus disease (EVD) premature neonatal survival is extremely rare. High mortality is related to prematurity, neonatal complications of Ebola, and precarious conditions of neonatal care in underresourced ETUs. This is a case of preterm neonatal survival in the setting of acute maternal EVD infection.AbstractThis case describes rare preterm newborn survival in the setting of an Ebola treatment unit in Eastern DRC. The neonate was born vaginally to an acutely ill 17‐year‐old mother who was vaccinated against Ebola virus after being identified as a contact of her father, who was a confirmed case and who did not survive his infection. This woman was admitted to an Ebola treatment unit at 32 weeks of gestation and given monoclonal antibody treatment. She gave birth vaginally, succumbing to postpartum hemorrhage 14 h after delivery. This child survived despite compounding vulnerabilities of preterm birth and maternal Ebola infection. Despite a negative test for EVD, the neonate was given a single dose of monoclonal antibody therapy in the first days of life. We believe maternal vaccination and neonatal monoclonal antibody treatment contributed to the child's survival. The circumstances surrounding neonatal survival in this extremely resource‐limited context must be analyzed and disseminated in order to increase rates of neonatal and maternal survival in future outbreaks. Maternal and neonatal health are critical aspects of outbreak response that have been understudied and underreported leaving clinicians severely underresourced to provide life‐saving care in outbreak settings. Pregnancy and childbirth do not stop in times of disease outbreak, adequate equipment and trained staff required for quality neonatal care must be considered in future outbreak responses.




General Medicine

Reference17 articles.

1. World Health Organization.Ebola virus disease. Accessed November 12 2022.https://www.who.int/health‐topics/ebola#tab=tab_1

2. Democratic Republic of the Congo|ReliefWeb.DRC: 15th EVD Outbreak‐Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) DREF n° MDRCD038. Accessed October 8 2023.https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic‐republic‐congo/drc‐15th‐evd‐outbreak‐emergency‐plan‐action‐epoa‐dref‐ndeg‐mdrcd038

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4. Ebola: A Hyperinflated Emergency

5. World Health Organization.Ebola virus disease–Democratic Republic of the Congo. Accessed December 10 2022.https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease‐outbreak‐news/item/2022‐DON377








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