Perinatal mental health in medical school curricula: a national scoping survey of British universities and student psychiatry societies


King Jacob D.ORCID,Crowley GraceORCID,El-Maraghy Manal,Davis William,Jauhari Archana,Wilson-Jones Charlotte


Aims and method With increasing recognition of the prevalence and impact of perinatal mental health (PMH) disorders comes a responsibility to ensure that tomorrow's doctors can support families during the perinatal period. Online surveys seeking information about the inclusion of PMH education in undergraduate curricula were sent to psychiatry curriculum leads and student psychiatry societies from each university medical school in the UK between April and September 2021. Results Responses were received from 32/35 (91.4%) medical schools. Two-thirds reported specific inclusion of PMH content in the core curriculum, typically integrated into general adult psychiatry or obstetric teaching. Students at the remaining schools were all likely to be examined on the topic or see perinatal cases during at least one clinical attachment. Clinical implications PMH education offers an opportunity for collaboration between psychiatry and other disciplines. Future work looking at educational case examples with objective outcomes would be valuable.


Royal College of Psychiatrists


Psychiatry and Mental health

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