Elevated Cerebrospinal Fluid Noradrenaline in Tardive Dyskinesia


Jeste Dilip V.,Doongaji Dinshaw R.,Linnoila Markku


SummaryCerebrospinal fluid was collected from 28 psychiatric (mostly schizophrenic) inpatients from Bombay, India. These included eight patients with tardive dyskinesia, five with spontaneous dyskinesia and 15 without dyskinesia. The samples were flown to the National Institute of Mental Health, Washington, D.C., where they were analyzed “blind” for concentrations of noradrenaline and several monoamine metabolites. Patients with tardive dyskinesia had significantly higher noradrenaline concentrations in the CSF as compared with the other two groups. Spontaneous dyskinesia group had significantly lower concentrations of homovanillic acid in the CSF. Our results support the hypothesis of noradrenergic hyperactivity, rather than postsynaptic dopamine receptor supersensitivity, in tardive dyskinesia.


Royal College of Psychiatrists


Psychiatry and Mental health

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