Congenital Epulis: A Case Report and Estimation of Incidence


Bosanquet David1,Roblin Graham1


1. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff CF14 4XW, UK


Congenital Epulis, also known as Neumann's tumour, is a rare congenital growth affecting the gingival mucosa of neonates. It is benign condition, seen more frequently in females, with multiple Epuli occurring in only 10% of cases. The cause and origin of Congenital Epulis remains unclear. In this article we present a case report of an otherwise healthy female neonate with two Congenital Epuli arising from the upper and lower gingival margin, which were successfully treated with surgical excision. We also present a review of the literature and an estimation of the incidence of Congenital Epulis based on our institutions figures, of 0.0006% (upper 95% confidence interval: 0.0035%).


Hindawi Limited

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1. Large Congenital Granular Cell Tumor in the Newborn—Diagnosis and Management: Case Report and Literature Review;SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine;2024-01-18

2. Congenital epulis in a female newborn;International Journal of Case Reports and Images;2023-08-08

3. Congenital Epulis: A Rare Head And Neck Tumor in the Newborn;Journal of Craniofacial Surgery;2023-08-04

4. Congenital epulis: a rare diagnosis of newborn;Journal of Surgical Case Reports;2023-08

5. Something lurks in my baby’s gums;Open Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health;2023-01-24







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