COVID-19: extrapulmonary impairments (own data of infection hospital of FSBI FSSCC FMBA of Russia) and experience of use different profile specialists to working in hospitals


Abramov VG1,Gaygolnik TV1,Fetisov AO1,Pinzhina VN1,Osipova TM1,Bezdenezhnykh AF1,Morozov DN1


1. Federal State Financed Institution Federal Siberian Research Clinical Centre, Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Russia


The article dwells upon the identification of extrapulmonary manifestations of COVID-19 using a time-saving, questionnaire specially designed by the authors to be filled out by the patients themselves. Introduction: sets out the relevance of exploratory studies of extrapulmonary lesions of this disease, identifies the main links in the pathogenesis of extrapulmonary lesions, and theoretically identifies possible targets in the body. It also includes the data, available in the literature at present, on the causative agent COVID-19 and other coronaviruses. Potential targets (in addition to the lungs) can be the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular and urinary systems, and the skin. Materials and methods: describe the questionnaire itself, its subdivision into domains, and include the data on the patient population. Results and discussion section sets out the researchers' own data. The most common symptoms in patients are apathy and asthenia, febrile syndrome, and respiratory symptoms. Formally, lesions of the nervous and digestive systems, as well as cardiovascular events, are less common. However, with a slight change in the counting technique (including apathy, asthenia and headache into it), the prevalence of neurological manifestations approaches 97.75%, and becomes the first in occurrence frequency rating. Symptoms indicating involvement of kidneys and skin were significantly less common. On the one hand, with the appearance of more severe cases of the disease, this percentage should increase, and on the other hand, its identification by the method of questioning in more severe patients is less important, especially since the main vital indicators of such patients are monitored. Сonclusions: the authors outline directions for further search activity (confirmation of the data obtained by the results of laboratory and instrumental examinations, studying the connection to the therapy) and medical care organization for patients with COVID-19 (including particular specialists in the teams of infectious hospitals during the rise in the incidence and transition to counseling conducted by the specialists as the incidence subsides in the future).


Federal Medical Biological Agency

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1. Mood Disorders After COVID-19;Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology;2024-01-05

2. The role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the development of cardiovascular complications in COVID-19;Pediatrician (St. Petersburg);2023-04-18







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