Meet the Section Editor


Bachurin Sergey1


1. Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences (IPAC RAS), Chernogolovka , Russian Federation



Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


Pharmacology (medical),Psychiatry and Mental health,Neurology (clinical),Neurology,Pharmacology,General Medicine

Reference6 articles.

1. Bachurin S.O.; Shevtsova E.F.; Makhaeva G.F.; Aksinenko A.Y.; Grigoriev V.V.; Goreva T.V.; Epishina T.A.; Kovaleva N.V.; Boltneva N.P.; Lushchekina S.V.; Rudakova E.V.; Vinogradova D.V.; Shevtsov P.N.; Pushkareva E.A.; Dubova L.G.; Serkova T.P.; Veselov I.M.; Fisenko V.P.; Richardson R.J.; Conjugates of methylene blue with cycloalkaneindoles as new multifunctional agents for potential treatment of neurodegenerative disease. Int J Mol Sci 2022,23(22),13925

2. Shevtsova E.F.; Angelova P.R.; Stelmashchuk O.A.; Esteras N.; Vasil’eva N.A.; Maltsev A.V.; Shevtsov P.N.; Shaposhnikov A.V.; Fisenko V.P.; Bachurin S.O.; Abramov A.Y.; Pharmacological sequestration of mitochondrial calcium uptake protects against dementia and β-amyloid neurotoxicity. Sci Rep 2022,12(1),12766

3. Kukharsky M.S.; Skvortsova V.I.; Bachurin S.O.; Buchman V.L.; In a search for efficient treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Old drugs for new approaches. Med Res Rev 2021,41(5),2804-2822

4. Shevtsova E.F.; Maltsev A.V.; Vinogradova D.V.; Shevtsov P.N.; Bachurin S.O.; Mitochondria as a promising target for developing novel agents for treating Alzheimer’s disease. Med Res Rev 2021,41(2),803-827

5. Bachurin S.O.; Makhaeva G.F.; Shevtsova E.F.; Yu A.; Aksinenko V.V.; Grigoriev P.N.; Shevtsov T.V.; Goreva T.A.; Epishina N.V.; Kovaleva E.A.; Pushkareva N.P.; Boltneva S.V.; Lushchekina A.V.; Gabrelyan V.L.; Zamoyski L.G.; Dubova E.V.; Rudakova V.P.; Fisenko E.V.; Bovina, Richardson, R.J. Conjugation of aminoadamantane and γ-carboline pharmacophores giving rise to new properties of multitarget agents. Molecules 2021,26,5527







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