TRPM8 as a Potential Biomarker and Therapeutic Target for Gastric Cancer Identified by a Combination of Text Mining and RNA Sequencing


Kong Na1,Li Wendong1,Zhang Jun1,Wang Xin1,Hu Lin1,Xu Qiqi1


1. Department of General Surgery at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, The Fourth Clinical Medical College of Peking University, Beijing, China


Introduction: Gastric cancer is a well-known malignant tumor that causes millions of deaths worldwide every year. Due to the lack of a specific biomarker for gastric cancer, most patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage of the disease which results in a poor prognosis and a higher death rate. Therefore, novel biomarkers are urgently needed for early diagnosis and to improve the survival rate. Methods: In this study, we conducted RNA sequencing of tumor samples from 21 patients with gastric cancer. A total of 3192 differentially expressed genes (1589 up-regulated and 1603 down-regulated) were identified. Subsequently, we applied a text-mining algorithm for further analysis of these data and selected 30 representative genes to investigate as candidates for novel biomarkers in gastric cancer. Results: Among these genes, we confirmed transient receptor potential melastatin 8 channels (TRPM8) as a novel biomarker based on Western blot and immunochemistry validation performed on 134 samples. Compared to normal gastric tissue, the tumor tissues exhibited a significantly higher expression level of TRPM8. Conclusion: This study provides insights into the underlying role of TRPM8 in cell proliferation. In addition, TRPM8 may be used as a potential therapeutic target for patients with gastric cancer.


Beijing JST Research Funding


Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


Genetics (clinical),Drug Discovery,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Molecular Medicine







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