Microbial-based Biocontrol Solutions for Fruits and Vegetables: Recent Insight, Patents, and Innovative Trends


De Simone Nicola1,Capozzi Vittorio2,Amodio Maria Luisa1,Colelli Giancarlo1,Spano Giuseppe1,Russo Pasquale1


1. Department of Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources and Engineering, University of Foggia, Via Napoli 25, Foggia 71122, Italy

2. Institute of Sciences of Food Production, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), C/O CS-DAT, Via Michele Protano, Foggia 71121, Italy


Background: Fruits and vegetables are susceptible to colonisation by undesired microflora, which, in pre- and post-harvest conditions, negatively impact the quality of these products, leading to a reduction of yield, shelf-life, and marketability. In the few last years, the use of microbial Biological Control Agents (BCAs) has assumed international relevance in order to control harmful microorganisms, as a promising alternative to chemical interventions. Objective: The purpose of this review is to discuss the microbial-based solutions applicable for the biocontrol of the main microbial spoilers, phytopathogens, and human food-borne pathogens affecting fruits and vegetables during their production and storage. Results: A comprehensive overview of the scientific literature investigating the effectiveness of BCA-based products available on the market is provided, as well as of the most recent patents protecting biotechnological applications in this field. Innovative trends are discussed, with a particular focus on the integration of BCAs to minimise spoilage phenomena and microbiological risks adopting combined approaches. Conclusion: This study underlines the growing interest about biocontrol strategies to counteract the growth of spoilage and/or pathogenic microorganisms indicating that in the next years a considerable increase of commercial products and patents will be developed worldwide to exploit innovative biotechnological solutions in the sector.


Ministry of Education, University and Research, MIUR


Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


General Medicine








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