Redating Shuidonggou Locality 1 and Implications for the Initial Upper Paleolithic in East Asia


Morgan Christopher,Barton Loukas,Yi Mingjie,Bettinger Robert L,Gao Xing,Peng Fei


A review of recently published temporal data from Shuidonggou Locality 1 indicates that a 40–43 cal ka date for the inception of Initial Upper Paleolithic (IUP) blade-oriented technologies in East Asia is warranted. Comparison of the dates from Shuidonggou to other Asian IUP dates in Korea, Siberia, and Mongolia supports this assertion, indicating that the initial appearance of the IUP in East Asia generally corresponds in time to the fluorescence of the IUP in eastern Europe and western Asia. This conclusion preliminarily suggests that either a version of the IUP originated independently in East Asia just prior to 40 cal ka, or more likely, that an early, initial diffusion of the IUP into East Asia occurred ∼41 cal ka, a hypothesis consistent with current estimates for the evolution or arrival of modern humans in the region.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,Archaeology

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