Disseminated, perforated gastrointestinal stromal tumour of small intestine with meckel’s diverticulitis: A case report


Karegoudar Jyoti. S.1,Beragi Sharanappa2


1. Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences, Karnataka, India

2. G


A case of perforated gastrointestinal stromal tumour of small intestine with Meckel’s diverticulitis causing acute abdomen is described, with a brief review of literature. A male patient presented with abdominal pain and distention, after evaluation, emergency laparotomy was done. The perforation of tumour in the ileum was found. The perforated part along with the tumour was resected and histopathological examination revealed that the tumour was gastrointestinal stromal tumour. Postoperatively the patient received Imatinib.Traditionally, the prognostic factors of these tumours are mitotic rate, tumour size and anatomic site. The complete surgical resection and use of Imatinib are the best approach.


IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd

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