Clinical & etiological profile of new onset unprovoked seizure in children aged 2 months to 18 years


Jain Bhupesh1,Sankhala Ravikant2


1. N

2. RNT Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India


Seizure is defined as abnormal paroxysmal neuronal discharge, which is clinically manifested by motor, sensory, autonomic or behavioral disturbances. Seizures are common in pediatrics age group and occur in 10% of children. Less than 1/3of seizures in children are caused by epilepsy. The objective of the study was to determine the clinical and etiological profile of new onset unprovoked seizure in children aged between 2 month to 18 years. A hospital based prospective single centre study at RNT Medical College, Udaipur. 111 patients admitted in Balchikitsalya with new onset unprovoked seizures during one year. Out of 111 patients with new onset unprovoked seizures, majority of patients were between 1-5 years of age with male predominance. In which most common diagnosis was seizure disorder in 78 pts (70.2%) [Generalised 76 pts (97.4%) > Focal 2 pts (2.6%)] followed by 13.5% hypocalcemic seizure, 8.1% hypoglycemic seizure. Other diagnosis was tuberous sclerosis (2.7%), white matter changes (1.8%), adrenoleukodystrophy (0.9%), arachnoid cyst (0.9%), tuberculoma (0.9%) and HIE changes (0.9%). EEG abnormality was seen in 46% of patients. Hyponatremia (36%) was significantly associated with abnormal EEG changes. MRI was done in 38.7% of the patients, out of which, abnormality was seen in only 8.6% of the children. Seizure is mainly diagnosed clinically and EEG can be normal in many patients. First episode of unprovoked seizure was common in age group of 1-5 years. EEG and Neuroimaging is useful for better diagnosis, treatment can be started on clinical diagnosis.


IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd



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