DNA profiling in forensic investigation – A review


Jaiswal A K1,Nayyer Saisha2


1. S

2. School of Chemical & Life Sciences, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi, India


DNA Profiling is a revolutionary method for individual and relationship analysis, crime investigation, hereditary disorders, etc. It is a universal method used to establish accurate results during the process of forensic investigation. DNA profiling techniques, which are based on repetitive sequences within DNA, have proven to be of paramount importance, albeit the complete utilization of knowledge still remaining unexplored. Even a hair strand, blood drop or even skin flakes can be used to identify DNA sequences. It has a wide range of applications both in forensics and law. Because of the advancement in the field of forensics in the past four decades, DNA evidence now stands as one of the most reliable forms of proof in a court of law. In the following article, the authors explore the main concepts of DNA Profiling, and the techniques which are widely used in forensic laboratories such as RFLP, VNTR, STR, AFLP, mtDNA analysis, Y-chromosome analysis and gender typing.


IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd


General Medicine

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