

Peng Xue Bin1,Berseth Glen1,Yin Kangkang2,Van De Panne Michiel1


1. University of British Columbia

2. National University of Singapore


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design

Reference58 articles.

1. Trajectory Optimization for Full-Body Movements with Complex Contacts

2. Synthesis of concurrent object manipulation tasks

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4. Joel Chestnutt Manfred Lau German Cheung James Kuffner Jessica Hodgins and Takeo Kanade. 2005. Footstep Planning for the Honda ASIMO Humanoid. In ICRA05. 629--634. Joel Chestnutt Manfred Lau German Cheung James Kuffner Jessica Hodgins and Takeo Kanade. 2005. Footstep Planning for the Honda ASIMO Humanoid. In ICRA05. 629--634.

5. Stelian Coros Philippe Beaudoin and Michiel van de Panne. 2009. Robust task-based control policies for physics-based characters. ACM Transctions on Graphics 28 5 (2009) Article 170. Stelian Coros Philippe Beaudoin and Michiel van de Panne. 2009. Robust task-based control policies for physics-based characters. ACM Transctions on Graphics 28 5 (2009) Article 170.

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2. Learning behavior of hopping with robotic leg on particular height using model free reinforcement learning;4TH SYMPOSIUM ON INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (SISTEC2022);2024

3. Interacting with a Fully Simulated Self-Balancing Bipedal Character in Augmented and Virtual Reality;Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games;2024

4. SafeSteps: Learning Safer Footstep Planning Policies for Legged Robots via Model-Based Priors;2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids);2023-12-12

5. A Hierarchical Scheme for Adapting Learned Quadruped Locomotion;2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids);2023-12-12







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