Multimodal Trajectory Playback for Teaching Shape Information and Trajectories to Visually Impaired Computer Users


Crossan Andrew1,Brewster Stephen1


1. University of Glasgow


There are difficulties in presenting nontextual or dynamic information to blind or visually impaired users through computers. This article examines the potential of haptic and auditory trajectory playback as a method of teaching shapes and gestures to visually impaired people. Two studies are described which test the success of teaching simple shapes. The first study examines haptic trajectory playback alone, played through a force-feedback device, and compares performance of visually impaired users with sighted users. It demonstrates that the task is significantly harder for visually impaired users. The second study builds on these results, combining force-feedback with audio to teach visually impaired users to recreate shapes. The results suggest that users performed significantly better when presented with multimodal haptic and audio playback of the shape, rather than haptic only. Finally, an initial test of these ideas in an application context is described, with sighted participants describing drawings to visually impaired participants through touch and sound. This study demonstrates in what situations trajectory playback can prove a useful role in a collaborative setting.


Sixth Framework Programme


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Science Applications,Human-Computer Interaction

Reference33 articles.

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