Metaphors in Voice User Interfaces: A Slippery Fish


Desai Smit1ORCID,Twidale Michael1ORCID


1. School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


We explore a range of different metaphors used for Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) by designers, end-users, manufacturers, and researchers using a novel framework derived from semi-structured interviews and a literature review. We focus less on the well-established idea of metaphors as a way for interface designers to help novice users learn how to interact with novel technology, and more on other ways metaphors can be used. We find that metaphors people use are contextually fluid, can change with the mode of conversation, and can reveal differences in how people perceive VUIs compared to other devices. Not all metaphors are helpful, and some may be offensive. Analyzing this broader class of metaphors can help understand, perhaps even predict problems. Metaphor analysis can be a low-cost tool to inspire design creativity and facilitate complex discussions about sociotechnical issues, enabling us to spot potential opportunities and problems in the situated use of technologies.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Human-Computer Interaction

Reference170 articles.

1. "Siri Talks at You"

2. Douglas Adams. 1989. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Harmony Books.

3. Apple Computer, Inc. 1992. Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

4. Brooke Auxier. 2023. 5 things to know about Americans and their smart speakers. Pew Research Center . Retrieved February 13 2023 from

5. Intelligibility Issues Faced by Smart Speaker Enthusiasts in Understanding What Their Devices Do and Why







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