Automatically Learning Topics and Difficulty Levels of Problems in Online Judge Systems


Zhao Wayne Xin1,Zhang Wenhui1,He Yulan2,Xie Xing3,Wen Ji-Rong1


1. Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

2. Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

3. Microsoft Research, Beijing, China


Online Judge (OJ) systems have been widely used in many areas, including programming, mathematical problems solving, and job interviews. Unlike other online learning systems, such as Massive Open Online Course, most OJ systems are designed for self-directed learning without the intervention of teachers. Also, in most OJ systems, problems are simply listed in volumes and there is no clear organization of them by topics or difficulty levels. As such, problems in the same volume are mixed in terms of topics or difficulty levels. By analyzing large-scale users’ learning traces, we observe that there are two major learning modes (or patterns). Users either practice problems in a sequential manner from the same volume regardless of their topics or they attempt problems about the same topic, which may spread across multiple volumes. Our observation is consistent with the findings in classic educational psychology. Based on our observation, we propose a novel two-mode Markov topic model to automatically detect the topics of online problems by jointly characterizing the two learning modes. For further predicting the difficulty level of online problems, we propose a competition-based expertise model using the learned topic information. Extensive experiments on three large OJ datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach in three different tasks, including skill topic extraction, expertise competition prediction and problem recommendation.


Beijing Natural Science Foundation

National Natural Science Foundation of China

National Key Basic Research Program (973 Program) of China


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Science Applications,General Business, Management and Accounting,Information Systems

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