Feeling Stressed and Unproductive? A Field Evaluation of a Therapy-Inspired Digital Intervention for Knowledge Workers


Chow Kevin1ORCID,Fritz Thomas2ORCID,Holsti Liisa3ORCID,Barbic Skye3ORCID,McGrenere Joanna1ORCID


1. Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Canada

2. Department of Informatics, University of Zürich, Switzerland

3. Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia, Canada


Today’s knowledge workers face cognitively demanding tasks and blurred work-life boundaries amidst rising stress and burnout in the workplace. Holistic approaches to supporting workers, which consider both productivity and well-being, are increasingly important. Taking this holistic approach, we designed an intervention inspired by cognitive behavioral therapy that consists of: (1) using the term “Time Well Spent” (TWS) in place of “productivity”, (2) a mobile self-logging tool for logging activities, feelings, and thoughts at work, and (3) a visualization that guides users to reflect on their data. We ran a 4-week exploratory qualitative comparison in the field with 24 graduate students to examine our Therapy-inspired intervention alongside a classic Baseline intervention. Participants who used our intervention often shifted toward a holistic perspective of their primary working hours, which included an increased consideration of breaks and emotions. No such change was seen by those who used the Baseline intervention.


NSERC Highly Personalized User Interfaces

ABB Industrial Research Grant



Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Human-Computer Interaction

Reference125 articles.

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