The relationship of action research to human-computer interaction


Hayes Gillian R.1


1. University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA


Alongside the growing interest within HCI, and arguably computing more generally, in conducting research that has substantial societal benefits, there is a need for new ways to think about and to articulate the challenges of these engaged research projects as well as their results. Action Research (AR) is a class of methods and approaches for conducting democratic and collaborative research with community partners. AR has evolved over the last several decades and offers HCI researchers theoretical lenses, methodological approaches, and pragmatic guidance for conducting socially relevant, collaborative, and engaged research. In this article, I describe the historical context and origins of AR, the scientifically rigorous practice of conducting and evaluating AR projects, and the ways in which AR might meaningfully be applied to HCI research.


National Science Foundation


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Human-Computer Interaction

Reference71 articles.

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1. Power and Public Participation in AI;Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization;2023-10-30

2. Working at the Intersection of Race, Disability and Accessibility;The 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility;2023-10-22

3. From Surplus and Scarcity toward Abundance: Understanding the Use of ICT in Food Resource Sharing Practices;ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction;2023-09-23

4. Stories from the Field (of Networking): Lessons from Deploying Research Systems in the Real World.;Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Situating Network Infrastructure with People, Practices, and Beyond;2023-09-10

5. Learning from Other Communities: Organising Collective Action in a Grassroots Food-sharing Initiative;Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW);2023-08-14







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