Integrity-based Explanations for Fostering Appropriate Trust in AI Agents


Mehrotra Siddharth1ORCID,Jorge Carolina Centeio1ORCID,Jonker Catholijn M.2ORCID,Tielman Myrthe L.1ORCID


1. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

2. Delft University of Technology & LIACS, Leiden University, The Netherlands


Appropriate trust is an important component of the interaction between people and AI systems, in that “inappropriate” trust can cause disuse, misuse, or abuse of AI. To foster appropriate trust in AI, we need to understand how AI systems can elicit appropriate levels of trust from their users. Out of the aspects that influence trust, this article focuses on the effect of showing integrity. In particular, this article presents a study of how different integrity-based explanations made by an AI agent affect the appropriateness of trust of a human in that agent. To explore this, (1) we provide a formal definition to measure appropriate trust, (2) present a between-subject user study with 160 participants who collaborated with an AI agent in such a task. In the study, the AI agent assisted its human partner in estimating calories on a food plate by expressing its integrity through explanations focusing on either honesty, transparency, or fairness. Our results show that (a) an agent who displays its integrity by being explicit about potential biases in data or algorithms achieved appropriate trust more often compared to being honest about capability or transparent about the decision-making process, and (b) subjective trust builds up and recovers better with honesty-like integrity explanations. Our results contribute to the design of agent-based AI systems that guide humans to appropriately trust them, a formal method to measure appropriate trust, and how to support humans in calibrating their trust in AI.


Hybrid Intelligence Center

Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research

Humane AI Net


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Artificial Intelligence,Human-Computer Interaction

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