
Bai Yunhao1,Wang Xiaorui1


1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, USA


Recent studies have proposed to use the Channel State Information (CSI) of WiFi wireless channel for human gesture recognition. As an important application, CSI-based driver activity recognition in passenger vehicles has received increasing research attention. However, a serious limitation of almost all the existing WiFi-based recognition solutions is that they can only recognize the activity of a single person at a time, because the activities of other people (if performed at the same time) can interfere with the WiFi signals. In a sharp contrast, there can often be one or more passengers in any vehicles. In this paper, we propose CARIN, CSI-based driver Activity Recognition under the INterference of passengers. CARIN features a combination-based solution that profiles all the possible activity combinations of driver and (one or more) passengers in offline training and then performs recognition online. To attack possible combination explosion, we first leverage in-car pressure sensors to significantly reduce combinations, because there are only limited seating options in a passenger vehicle. We then formulate a distance minimization problem for fast runtime recognition. In addition, a period analysis methodology is designed based on the kNN classifier to recognize activities that have a sequence of body movements, like continuous head nodding due to driver fatigue. Our results in a real car with 3,000 real-world traces show that CARIN can achieve an overall F1 score of 90.9%, and outperforms the three state-of-the-art solutions by 32.2%.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Human-Computer Interaction

Reference39 articles.

1. 2017. Distracted Driving. 2017. Distracted Driving.

2. WiGest: A ubiquitous WiFi-based gesture recognition system

3. WiDrive: Adaptive WiFi-Based Recognition of Driver Activity for Real-Time and Safe Takeover

4. Multidimensional binary search trees used for associative searching

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1. Cross-Domain Gesture Sequence Recognition for Two-Player Exergames using COTS mmWave Radar;Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction;2023-10-31

2. Wi-Flex;Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies;2023-09-27

3. RF-CGR: Enable Chinese Character Gesture Recognition With RFID;IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement;2023

4. WiFi Sensing on the Edge: Signal Processing Techniques and Challenges for Real-World Systems;IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials;2023

5. Contactless WiFi Sensing and Monitoring for Future Healthcare - Emerging Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities;IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering;2023







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