
Mandra Yuliya1,Kotikova Anastasiya2,Svetlakova Elena1,Semencova Elena2,Gegalina N.1,Dimitrova Yulia1,Sorokoumova Dina1,Vlasova Maria1,Khodko Valery3


1. Ural State Medical university

2. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet

3. FGBOU VO "Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet" Minzdrava Rossii


Thing. In recent years, the importance of sports in improving the health of the population by involving people in physical education has increased. However, sports of the highest achievements are associated with the risk of occupational diseases. Physical and emotional stress of athletes can lead to impaired health. Dental diseases are also common in people involved in sports. In domestic and foreign literature, athletes describe bruxism, occlusal disorders, periodontal disease, tooth abrasion. Of particular interest are injuries of hard tissues of the teeth of athletes in connection with their highest prevalence, ineffectiveness of treatment and prevention. The goal is on the basis of a clinical and laboratory study of the state of hard tooth tissues in athletes, to develop and justify the tactics of complex treatment, prevention of diseases of hard tooth tissues. Methodology. All participants underwent a comprehensive dental examination, which included the main research methods (determination of complaints, medical history, external examination, examination of the oral cavity, detection of diseases of hard tissues of the teeth, malocclusion) and additional (X-ray examination, “hamburg testing”, diagnosis of T-scan, assessment of oral fluid indices, cytological examination of buccal epithelium, electrometry of hard tissues of teeth, assessment of resistance of hard tissues of teeth). Results. Based on the results, we developed a new treatment-and-prophylactic toothpaste based on Silivatit organosilicon glycerogel hydrogel with the addition of nanostructured hydroxyapatite. Its biocompatibility, remineralizing and anti-inflammatory activity are proved, and clinical efficacy in athletes with diseases of hard tissues of the teeth is confirmed. The tactics of the complex treatment and prevention of diseases of hard tooth tissues in athletes based on the differentiated choice of filling materials have been substantiated. Conclusions. Thus, the optimized tactics of complex treatment and prevention of diseases of hard tissues of the teeth prevents the progression of diseases, the development of complications, and improves the quality of life of athletes.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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