
Ozhgihina Natalia1,Tereshkina Daria1,Brusnitsyna Elena1,Ioshenko Evgeniy1


1. Ural State Medical University


A literature review is presented on the problem of complicated tooth decay in permanent teeth with unformed roots in children, which is one of the main ones in pediatric dentistry. Objectives — to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment methods for complicated caries in permanent immature teeth in children. Methodology. A review of scientific papers in the medical resources PubMED, MEDLINE,, Complete, Scopus, Springer was conducted. The article presents two clinical cases using: the method of direct coating of pulp in the tooth 2.4 in a girl 8 years old; method of revascularization in the tooth 1.1 in a girl 7 years old. Results. These clinical cases indicate that the method of direct coating of pulp is effective even with sufficient pronounced destruction of the permanent tooth and contributes to the full formation of the root, and the method of revascularization contributes to the development of the root even in cases where the sprout zone of the root is damaged in the forming tooth, adequate treatment was started after a long period of time. Conclusions. Literary sources and clinical cases show the high survival rate of teeth with unformed roots with complicated caries and the further functioning of teeth for a long time. Most often, when treating teeth with unformed roots and necrotic pulp, a method aimed at apexification is used, but nevertheless, a promising replacement for the treatment of teeth with apical periodontitis is the revascularization method.


TIRAZH Publishing House


General Medicine

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