Hypothymia in alcohol dependence


Darenskiy I.D.ORCID,


The purpose of the work is to identify hypothymic disorders typical for patients with alcohol dependence. Material and methods. 100 male patients aged 38-53 years who were hospitalized for alcohol dependence with a typical course in the early post-withdrawal period were examined. The examination was carried out by the clinical method and using the HDRS scale. Results. Affective disorders in alcohol addicts manifested in the form of hypothymia within the asthenic (cerebro-asthenic) syndrome, which is fundamentally different from the depressive disorders that are typical for psychiatric diseases. Conclusions. The peculiarity of the hypothymic symptoms is sufficient to negate their similarity to depression in psychiatric illnesses. The use of the concept of depression in narcology is carried out with an assumption that often distorts the true state of affairs in the clinical picture.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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