Empathy Strategies in Professional Activities of Psychologists and Actors


Arkhangelskaya V.V.1,Puk N.M.2


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

2. GBOU School №1206


Following the later works of F.Ye. Vasilyuk, we put empathy in the center of consideration and review it as a separate activity that lies at the core of some professional activities. Professional activity requires the performer to organize the process of empathy in a special way so that certain professional goals could be achieved. The paper presents results of a preliminary qualitative study on the reflection of empathy strategies in individuals in whose professions experience and empathy are the central subject of work. Using a phenomenological analysis of an empathy interview, a number of empathy strategies were identified that counseling psychologists and actors use in their professional activities. Strategies of achieving empathy in these two professional areas have a number of similarities, as well as a number of differences, due to the specificity of professional tasks. The paper also outlines the typical difficulties emerging in the process of empathy and ways of overcoming them.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Psychology (miscellaneous),Social Psychology,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Cultural Studies,Applied Psychology

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