Studies of Speech Disorders in Schizophrenia. History and State-of-the-art


Shvedovskiy E.F.1,Zvereva N.V.2


1. Mental Health Research Center

2. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education,


The article reviews studies of speech disorders in schizophrenia. The authors paid attention to a historical course and characterization of studies of areas: the actual psychopathological (speech disorders as a psychopathological symptoms, their description and taxonomy), psychological (isolated neurons and pathopsychological perspective analysis) separately analyzed some modern foreign works, covering a variety of approaches to the study of speech disorders in the endogenous mental disorders. Disorders and features of speech are among the most striking manifestations of schizophrenia along with impaired thinking (Savitskaya A. V., Mikirtumov B. E.). With all the variety of symptoms, speech disorders in schizophrenia could be classified and organized. The few clinical psychological studies of speech activity in schizophrenia presented work on the study of generation and standard speech utterance; features verbal associative process, speed parameters of speech utterances. Special attention is given to integrated research in the mainstream of biological psychiatry and genetic trends. It is shown that the topic for more than a half-century history of originality of speech pathology in schizophrenia has received some coverage in the psychiatric and psychological literature and continues to generate interest in the modern integrated multidisciplinary approach.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education,Social Psychology,Psychology (miscellaneous)

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