Small peptides: could they have a big role in metabolism and the response to exercise?


Atakan Muhammed M.12ORCID,Türkel İbrahim3ORCID,Özerkliğ Berkay3ORCID,Koşar Şükran N.1ORCID,Taylor Dale F.2ORCID,Yan Xu24ORCID,Bishop David J.2ORCID


1. Division of Exercise Nutrition and Metabolism, Faculty of Sport Sciences Hacettepe University Ankara Turkey

2. Institute for Health and Sport (iHeS) Victoria University Melbourne Victoria Australia

3. Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Sport Sciences Hacettepe University Ankara Turkey

4. Sarcopenia Research Program Australia Institute for Musculoskeletal Sciences (AIMSS) Melbourne Victoria Australia


AbstractExercise is a powerful non‐pharmacological intervention for the treatment and prevention of numerous chronic diseases. Contracting skeletal muscles provoke widespread perturbations in numerous cells, tissues and organs, which stimulate multiple integrated adaptations that ultimately contribute to the many health benefits associated with regular exercise. Despite much research, the molecular mechanisms driving such changes are not completely resolved. Technological advancements beginning in the early 1960s have opened new avenues to explore the mechanisms responsible for the many beneficial adaptations to exercise. This has led to increased research into the role of small peptides (<100 amino acids) and mitochondrially derived peptides in metabolism and disease, including those coded within small open reading frames (sORFs; coding sequences that encode small peptides). Recently, it has been hypothesized that sORF‐encoded mitochondrially derived peptides and other small peptides play significant roles as exercise‐sensitive peptides in exercise‐induced physiological adaptation. In this review, we highlight the discovery of mitochondrially derived peptides and newly discovered small peptides involved in metabolism, with a specific emphasis on their functions in exercise‐induced adaptations and the prevention of metabolic diseases. In light of the few studies available, we also present data on how both single exercise sessions and exercise training affect expression of sORF‐encoded mitochondrially derived peptides. Finally, we outline numerous research questions that await investigation regarding the roles of mitochondrially derived peptides in metabolism and prevention of various diseases, in addition to their roles in exercise‐induced physiological adaptations, for future studies. image











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