An Early Neoplasia Index (ENI10), Based on Molecular Identity of CD10 Cells and Associated Stemness Biomarkers, is a Predictor of Patient Outcome in Many Cancers


Guyot Boris1234ORCID,Clément Flora1234ORCID,Drouet Youenn5ORCID,Schmidt Xenia1234ORCID,Lefort Sylvain1234ORCID,Delay Emmanuel12345ORCID,Treilleux Isabelle5ORCID,Foy Jean-Philippe1236ORCID,Jeanpierre Sandrine12345ORCID,Thomas Emilie7ORCID,Kielbassa Janice7ORCID,Tonon Laurie7ORCID,Zhu Helen He8ORCID,Saintigny Pierre12356ORCID,Gao Wei-Qiang89ORCID,de la Fouchardiere Arnaud12356ORCID,Tirode Franck12345ORCID,Viari Alain7ORCID,Blay Jean-Yves12356ORCID,Maguer-Satta Véronique12345ORCID


1. 1CNRS UMR5286, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon, Lyon, France.

2. 2Inserm U1052, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon, Lyon, France.

3. 3Department of Cancer Initiation and Tumor cell Identity, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon, Lyon, France.

4. 4Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CRCL, Lyon, France.

5. 5Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France.

6. 6Department of Tumor Escape Resistance and Immunity, CRCL, Lyon, France.

7. 7Bioinformatics Platform, Synergie Lyon Cancer Foundation, Lyon, France.

8. 8State Key Laboratory of Oncogenes and Related Genes, Renji-Med-X Stem Cell Research Center, Shanghai Cancer Institute and Department of Urology, Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine and School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P.R. China.

9. 9School of Biomedical Engineering and Med-X Research Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P.R. China.


An accurate estimate of patient survival at diagnosis is critical to plan efficient therapeutic options. A simple and multiapplication tool is needed to move forward the precision medicine era. Taking advantage of the broad and high CD10 expression in stem and cancers cells, we evaluated the molecular identity of aggressive cancer cells. We used epithelial primary cells and developed a breast cancer stem cell–based progressive model. The superiority of the early-transformed isolated molecular index was evaluated by large-scale analysis in solid cancers. BMP2-driven cell transformation increases CD10 expression which preserves stemness properties. Our model identified a unique set of 159 genes enriched in G2–M cell-cycle phases and spindle assembly complex. Using samples predisposed to transformation, we confirmed the value of an early neoplasia index associated to CD10 (ENI10) to discriminate premalignant status of a human tissue. Using a stratified Cox model, a large-scale analysis (>10,000 samples, The Cancer Genome Atlas Pan-Cancer) validated a strong risk gradient (HRs reaching HR = 5.15; 95% confidence interval: 4.00–6.64) for high ENI10 levels. Through different databases, Cox regression model analyses highlighted an association between ENI10 and poor progression-free intervals for more than 50% of cancer subtypes tested, and the potential of ENI10 to predict drug efficacy. The ENI10 index constitutes a robust tool to detect pretransformed tissues and identify high-risk patients at diagnosis. Owing to its biological link with refractory cancer stem cells, the ENI10 index constitutes a unique way of identifying effective treatments to improve clinical care. Significance: We identified a molecular signature called ENI10 which, owing to its biological link with stem cell properties, predicts patient outcome and drugs efficiency in breast and several other cancers. ENI10 should allow early and optimized clinical management of a broad number of cancers, regardless of the stage of tumor progression.


Canceropole Rhone Auvergne

Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Institut National Du Cancer

Canceropole Ile de France

Region Rhone-Alpes

Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer

Fondation ARC pour la Recherche sur le Cancer

Fondation MSD-Avenir

Dechaine ton coeur

Association Ruban Rose

Comite Feminin pour le Depistage du Cancer du Sein 74


American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

Reference76 articles.







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