Deconstructing Olfactory Epithelium Developmental Pathways in Olfactory Neuroblastoma


Finlay John B.123ORCID,Abi Hachem Ralph2ORCID,Jang David W.2ORCID,Osazuwa-Peters Nosayaba2ORCID,Goldstein Bradley J.234ORCID


1. 1Medical Scientist Training Program, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina.

2. 2Department of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences, Duke University, School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina.

3. 3Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina.

4. 4Department of Neurobiology, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina.


Olfactory neuroblastoma is a rare tumor arising from the olfactory cleft region of the nasal cavity. Because of the low incidence of this tumor, as well as an absence of established cell lines and murine models, understanding the mechanisms driving olfactory neuroblastoma pathobiology has been challenging. Here, we sought to apply advances from research on the human olfactory epithelial neurogenic niche, along with new biocomputational approaches, to better understand the cellular and molecular factors in low- and high-grade olfactory neuroblastoma and how specific transcriptomic markers may predict prognosis. We analyzed a total of 19 olfactory neuroblastoma samples with available bulk RNA-sequencing and survival data, along with 10 samples from normal olfactory epithelium. A bulk RNA-sequencing deconvolution model identified a significant increase in globose basal cell (GBC) and CD8 T-cell identities in high-grade tumors (GBC from ∼0% to 8%, CD8 T cell from 0.7% to 2.2%), and significant decreases in mature neuronal, Bowman's gland, and olfactory ensheathing programs, in high-grade tumors (mature neuronal from 3.7% to ∼0%, Bowman's gland from 18.6% to 10.5%, olfactory ensheathing from 3.4% to 1.1%). Trajectory analysis identified potential regulatory pathways in proliferative olfactory neuroblastoma cells, including PRC2, which was validated by immunofluorescence staining. Survival analysis guided by gene expression in bulk RNA-sequencing data identified favorable prognostic markers such as SOX9, S100B, and PLP1 expression. Significance: Our analyses provide a basis for additional research on olfactory neuroblastoma management, as well as identification of potential new prognostic markers.


HHS | National Institutes of Health


American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

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