Long-term efficacy of the sublingual and subcutaneous routes in allergen immunotherapy


Penagos Martin,Durham Stephen R.


Allergen immunotherapy is highly effective in selected patients with allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, and Hymenoptera venom allergy. Unlike anti-allergic drugs, both subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapies have been shown to modify the underlying cause of the disease, with proved long-term clinical benefits after treatment cessation. In this review, we analyzed 10 randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trials of allergen immunotherapy that included blinded follow-up for at least 1 year after treatment withdrawal. Three studies of pollen subcutaneous immunotherapy provided evidence that a sustained, tolerogenic effect of subcutaneous immunotherapy can be achieved after 3 years of treatment. Six trials of sublingual immunotherapy provided robust evidence for long-term clinical benefit and persistent immunologic changes after grass pollen, house-dust mite, or Japanese cedar immunotherapy, whereas a clinical trial of both sublingual and subcutaneous grass pollen immunotherapies showed that 2 years of immunotherapy were efficacious but insufficient to induce long-term tolerance. These studies strongly supported international guidelines that recommend at least 3 years of allergen immunotherapy of proven value to achieve disease modification and sustained clinical and immunologic tolerance.


Oceanside Publications Inc.


Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,General Medicine,Immunology and Allergy

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