A relation between the quality of life of patients with epilepsy and adherence to treatment as well as retention on therapy


Lusnikova I. V.1ORCID


1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


Objective: to demonstrate  the mutual influence  of  the quality of  patients’s life  during  epilepsy, adherence  to received anticonvulsant therapy and retention on therapy.Material and methods. We conducted an analytical review of studies published by foreign authors in recent years (published within 2016–2021  were considered of top priority), devoted to the influence of various factors on adherence to therapy in patients with epilepsy. A search for relevant publications was conducted in English-language databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, ClinicalKey) by using key words and phrases: “epilepsy AND quality of life AND adherence  to therapy”, “epilepsy AND quality of life AND retention on  therapy”,  “epilepsy AND adherence   to therapy”, “compliance AND epilepsy  AND quality of  life”, “adherence to therapy AND retention on therapy AND epilepsy”, “nonadherence to therapy AND epilepsy  AND quality of life”. After the selection procedure, 22 scientific publications were included in the review.Results. Factors that have a negative impact on adherence  to therapy have been identified (comorbid cognitive impairment, the combination of lack of control over seizures and the presence of adverse events after drug administration, depression and anxiety, the need to change the lifestyle for taking the drug, concern about the potential negative consequences of taking the drug, recent uncontrolled seizures, lack of professional implementation, high frequency of taking the drug, problems with doctor-patient relationship, insufficient social support), and factors that have a positive impact (emotional support from the doctor, establishing doctor-patient partnership).Conclusion. There is a relationship between the patient's quality of life and adherence  to therapy. Patient adherence to therapy is important for the effectiveness of epilepsy treatment and, along with the severity of epilepsy, is a significant factor affecting the quality of patients’ life during epilepsy. An opportunity for long-term retention on anticonvulsant therapy also has a cross-correlation with quality of life.




Neurology (clinical),Neurology

Reference42 articles.

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