Digital Well-Being as a New Kind of Adaptation to the New Millennium Needs: A State-of-the-Art Analysis


De Santis Alessandro1ORCID,Fantinelli Stefania1


1. Department of Humanities, Letters, Cultural Heritage and Educational Studies, University of Foggia, 77122 Foggia, Italy


Abstract Since technology has been entering into human beings’ everyday life, individuals established a deep relationship with digital technology, thus an embodied link between people and digital instruments has been born. This is particularly evidenced by recent literature about screen time (duration of time spent by the individual in using electronic/digital media like television, smartphone, tablet or computer), it significantly influences different human beings’ dimensions: physical, psychological and neurological functions. Impact of digital technology on human beings can be considered as a result of syntonic functioning in order to improve different people’s life areas (e.g., work, social or intimate relationship, learning), while the dystonic relationship is evidenced as a result of human addiction to digital technology. The present study aims to provide a cognitive and social psychology perspective on how screen time is changing our existences, defining digital technology as a gift which people should be aware of in terms of positive but even negative consequences in everyday life.


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