The Results of Studies on the Health Effects of Smokeless Tobacco Funded by Tobacco Companies: A Meta-Analysis


Park Hyunchun1ORCID,Choi Young Jin2ORCID,Yoo Ki-Bong3ORCID,Lee Sungkyu45ORCID,Seo Hyun-Ju6ORCID,Heo Min-Hee7ORCID,Lee Yejin8ORCID,Lee Ju-HyunORCID,Noh Jin-Won3ORCID


1. CalebABC, Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea

2. Department of Healthcare Management, Eulji University, Seongnam, Korea

3. Division of Health Administration, College of Software and Digital Healthcare Convergence, Yonsei University, Wonju, Korea

4. Korea Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, Seoul, Korea

5. Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion, Institute for Health Promotion, Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

6. College of Nursing, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea

7. Department of Health Administration, Yonsei University Graduate School, Wonju, Korea

8. Department of Public Health, Graduate School, Korea University, Seoul; 9Dementia Case Management Team, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea


National Research Foundation of Korea


Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service Research


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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