Before Watson and Crick in 1953 Came Friedrich Miescher in 1869


Lamm Ehud1,Harman Oren2,Veigl Sophie Juliane3


1. The Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 6997801

2. Science, Technology and Society, Bar Ilan University, Israel 5290002

3. Institut fü r Philosophie,Universität Wien, 1010 Wien, Austria


Abstract The story of genetics typically omits the original discovery of the molecular nature of DNA: Friedrich Miescher's 1869 discovery of the substance he christened “nuclein”. The article explains how he came... In 1869, the young Swiss biochemist Friedrich Miescher discovered the molecule we now refer to as DNA, developing techniques for its extraction. In this paper we explain why his name is all but forgotten, and his role in the history of genetics is mostly overlooked. We focus on the role of national rivalries and disciplinary turf wars in shaping historical memory, and on how the story we tell shapes our understanding of the science. We highlight that Miescher could just as correctly be portrayed as the person who understood the chemical nature of chromatin (before the term existed), and the first to suggest how stereochemistry might serve as the basis for the transmission of hereditary variation.


Oxford University Press (OUP)



Reference44 articles.

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4. Friedrich Miescher and the discovery of DNA.;Dahm;Dev. Biol.,2005

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