Mallignant ischemic stroke: clinical and biochemical features of diagnosis


Gluschenkova N. V.1,Sarkisian O. G.1,Goncharova Z. A.1


1. Rostov State Medical University


Ischemic stroke (IS) remains the most common  neurological pathology [1,2] and can manifest itself in the form of malignant ischemic stroke (MIS), leading not only to severe disability of the patient, but to life-threatening conditions [3,4]. Malignant ischemic stroke is one of the most formidable manifestations of ischemic stroke, threatening disability of the working population and the likelihood of death without the appointment of timely therapy. Diagnosis:“Malignant ischemic stroke” can occur no earlier than 12-24 hours, during which time irreversible changes in the brain may occur, accompanied by its pronounced  edema, with the threat of subsequent herniation, therefore, the appointment  of adequate and timely therapy is necessary as soon as possible [5,6] . Taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease, there is a need to search for predictors of MIS. In order to timely predict irreversible consequences, in the above literature review, we consider modern approaches to diagnosing the malignant course of ischemic stroke. The analysis of the literature data allows us to determine some clinical and laboratory predictors of the development of malignant ischemic stroke and methods for assessing the severity of ischemic stroke. Various possibilities of using the studied markers for the purpose of practical use in the early diagnosis of MIS are considered. Based on the literature data, the possibilities of diagnostics  were analyzed in order to prescribe timely and adequate therapy before the onset of irreversible changes in the brain.


Rostov State Medical University


General Medicine

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