Evidence‐based practice guideline on integrative medicine for stroke 2019


Ni Xiaojia1,Lin Hao1,Li Hui2,Liao Wenjing1,Luo Xufei3,Wu Darong4,Chen Yaolong567,Cai Yefeng1,


1. Department of Neurology, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Provincial Academy of Chinese Medical SciencesThe Second Clinical School of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangzhou P.R. China

2. Department of Chinese Medicine Standardization, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Provincial Academy of Chinese Medical SciencesThe Second Clinical School of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangzhou P.R. China

3. School of Public HealthLanzhou University Lanzhou P.R. China

4. Program for Outcome Assessment in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Provincial Academy of Chinese Medical SciencesThe Second Clinical School of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangzhou P.R. China

5. Evidence‐based Medicine Centre, School of Basic Medical SciencesLanzhou University Lanzhou P.R. China

6. Chinese GRADE CentreLanzhou University Lanzhou P.R. China

7. WHO Collaborating Centre for Guideline Implementation and Knowledge Translation Lanzhou P.R. China




Health Policy,General Medicine

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