Sample Design for Analysis using High-Influence Probability Sampling


Clark Robert G.1,Steel David G.2


1. Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics, Australian National University , Canberra, Australian Capital Territory , Australia

2. National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia, University of Wollongong , Wollongong, New South Wales , Australia


AbstractSample designs are typically developed to estimate summary statistics such as means, proportions and prevalences. Analytical outputs may also be a priority but there are fewer methods and results on how to efficiently design samples for the fitting and estimation of statistical models. This paper develops a general approach for determining efficient sampling designs for probability-weighted maximum likelihood estimators and considers application to generalized linear models. We allow for non-ignorable sampling, including outcome-dependent sampling. The new designs have probabilities of selection closely related to influence statistics such as dfbeta and Cook's distance. The new approach is shown to perform well in a simulation based on data from the New Zealand Health Survey.


University of Wollongong Vice-Chancellor's Visiting International Scholar Awards


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty,Economics and Econometrics,Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Statistics and Probability

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