Management of the malignant colorectal polyp: ACPGBI position statement


Williams J. G.1,Pullan R. D.2,Hill J.3,Horgan P. G.4,Salmo E.5,Buchanan G. N.6,Rasheed S.7,McGee S. G.8,Haboubi N.9


1. Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust; Wolverhampton; UK

2. Torbay Hospital; Torquay; UK

3. Department of General Surgery; Manchester Royal Infirmary; Manchester; UK

4. Royal Infirmary; Glasgow; UK

5. Department of Histopathology; Royal Bolton NHS Foundation Trust; Bolton; UK

6. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust; Charing Cross Hospital; London; UK

7. The Royal Marsden Hospital; London; UK

8. Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust; Salisbury; UK

9. Department of Histopathology; University Hospital of South Manchester; Manchester; UK





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2. Colorectal Cancer;Gastrointestinal Oncology ‐ A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach 2e;2024-01-23

3. Genomics, Histopathology, and Molecular Pathology of Sporadic and Hereditary Colorectal Cancer;Gastrointestinal Oncology ‐ A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach 2e;2024-01-23

4. Modern approach in the management of malignant colorectal polyp;Colonoscopy - Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances [Working Title];2023-12-04

5. Evaluation and Management of Malignant Colorectal Polyps;Surgical Clinics of North America;2023-12







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