Aetiology and treatment of nightmare disorder: State of the art and future perspectives


Gieselmann Annika1ORCID,Ait Aoudia Malik2,Carr Michelle3,Germain Anne4,Gorzka Robert5,Holzinger Brigitte6,Kleim Birgit7,Krakow Barry8,Kunze Anna E.9,Lancee Jaap10,Nadorff Michael R.11,Nielsen Tore12ORCID,Riemann Dieter13ORCID,Sandahl Hinuga14,Schlarb Angelika A.15,Schmid Carolin16ORCID,Schredl Michael17ORCID,Spoormaker Victor I.18,Steil Regina16,van Schagen Annette M.19,Wittmann Lutz20,Zschoche Maria15,Pietrowsky Reinhard1


1. Department of Clinical Psychology; Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; Düsseldorf Germany

2. Centre du Psychotrauma de l'Institut de Victimologie à Paris; Paris France

3. Department of Psychology; Swansea University; Swansea UK

4. Department of Psychiatry; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA

5. Central Institute for Mental Health; Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Hamburg; Hamburg Germany

6. Institut für Bewusstseins- und Traumforschung; Vienna Austria

7. Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics; University of Zürich; Zürich Switzerland

8. Maimonides Sleep Arts and Sciences, Ltd; Albuquerque New Mexico, USA

9. Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy; LMU Munich; Munich Germany

10. Department of Clinical Psychology; University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam the Netherlands

11. Department of Psychology; Mississippi State University; Mississippi State Mississippi USA

12. Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine; Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal; Montreal Quebec Canada

13. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy; University of Freiburg Medical Center; Freiburg Germany

14. Competence Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry; Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark; Ballerup Denmark

15. Department of Psychology and Sports; Bielefeld University; Bielefeld Germany

16. Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy; Institute of Psychology; Goethe University Frankfurt; Frankfurt/Main Germany

17. Central Institute of Mental Health; Medical Faculty Mannheim; Heidelberg University; Heidelberg Germany

18. Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry; Munich Germany

19. Foundation Centrum ‘45, Partner in Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group; Oegstgeest the Netherlands

20. International Psychoanalytic University Berlin; Berlin Germany




Behavioral Neuroscience,Cognitive Neuroscience,General Medicine

Reference159 articles.

1. The Van Dream Anxiety Scale: A subjective measure of dream anxiety in nightmare sufferers;Agargün;Sleep and Hypnosis,1999

2. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

3. Guided internet-based vs. face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy for psychiatric and somatic disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis;Andersson;World Psychiatry,2014







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