Chinese expert consensus on the construction of the fluoroless cardiac electrophysiology laboratory and related techniques


Jiang Chenyang1ORCID,Ma Changsheng2ORCID,Chen Songwen3ORCID,Chen Shiquan1,Jiang Chenxi2ORCID,Jiang Ruhong1ORCID,Ju Weizhu4,Long Deyong2ORCID,Li Ding5,Li Jia6,Liu Qiang1,Ma Wei7,Pu Xiaobo8,Wang Rui9,Wang Yuegang10,Yi Fu11,Zou Cao12,Zhang Jidong13,Zhang Xi14,Zhao Yujie15,Zei Paul C.16ORCID,Biase Luigi Di17,Chang Dong18,Cai Heng19,Chen Lianghua20,Chen Minglong4,Fu Guosheng1,Fu Hua8,Fan Jie14,Gui Chun21,Jiang Tingbo12,Liu Shaowen3ORCID,Li Xuebin5,Li Yigang22,Shu Maoqin23,Wang Yan24ORCID,Xu Jian25,Xie Ruiqin13,Xia Yunlong26ORCID,Xue Yumei27ORCID,Yang Pingzhen28,Yuan Yiqiang29,Zhong Jingquan30,Zhu Wenqing31


1. Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine Zhejiang University Hangzhou China

2. Beijing Anzhen Hospital Capital Medical University Beijing China

3. Shanghai General Hospital Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai China

4. Jiangsu Province Hospital the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University Nanjing China

5. Peking University People's Hospital Beijing China

6. The Second Affiliated Hospital and Yuying Children's Hospital Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou China

7. Tianjin Chest Hospital Tianjin China

8. West China Hospital Sichuan University Chengdu China

9. First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University Taiyuan China

10. Nanfang Hospital Southern Medical University Guangzhou China

11. Xijing Hospital The First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University Xian China

12. The First Affiliated Hospital Soochow University Suzhou China

13. The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University Shijiazhuang China

14. The First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province Kunming China

15. The seventh People's Hospital of Zhenzhou Zhengzhou China

16. Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston Massachusetts USA

17. Albert Einstein College of Medicine Montefiore Medical Center Bronx New York USA

18. Xiamen Cardiovascular Hospital Xiamen University Xiamen China

19. Tianjin Medical University General Hospital Tianjin China

20. Shandong Provincial Hospital Jinan China

21. The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University Nanning China

22. Xinhua Hospital Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Shanghai China

23. Southwest Hospital The First Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University Chongqing China

24. Tongji Hospital Tongji Medical College of HUST Wuhan China

25. The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC Anhui Provincial Hospital Hefei China

26. The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University Dalian China

27. Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital Guangzhou China

28. Zhujiang Hospital Southern Medical University Guangzhou China

29. Henan Provincial Chest Hospital Zhengzhou China

30. Department of Cardiology, Qilu Hospital Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University Jinan China

31. Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University Shanghai China


AbstractTranscatheter radiofrequency ablation has been widely introduced for the treatment of tachyarrhythmias. The demand for catheter ablation continues to grow rapidly as the level of recommendation for catheter ablation. Traditional catheter ablation is performed under the guidance of X‐rays. X‐rays can help display the heart contour and catheter position, but the radiobiological effects caused by ionizing radiation and the occupational injuries worn caused by medical staff wearing heavy protective equipment cannot be ignored. Three‐dimensional mapping system and intracardiac echocardiography can provide detailed anatomical and electrical information during cardiac electrophysiological study and ablation procedure, and can also greatly reduce or avoid the use of X‐rays. In recent years, fluoroless catheter ablation technique has been well demonstrated for most arrhythmic diseases. Several centers have reported performing procedures in a purposefully designed fluoroless electrophysiology catheterization laboratory (EP Lab) without fixed digital subtraction angiography equipment. In view of the lack of relevant standardized configurations and operating procedures, this expert task force has written this consensus statement in combination with relevant research and experience from China and abroad, with the aim of providing guidance for hospitals (institutions) and physicians intending to build a fluoroless cardiac EP Lab, implement relevant technologies, promote the standardized construction of the fluoroless cardiac EP Lab.




Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,General Medicine







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