Subpopulation contributions to a breeding metapopulation of migratory arctic herbivores: survival, fecundity and asymmetric dispersal


Alisauskas Ray T.1ORCID,Calvert Anna M.2ORCID,Leafloor James O.3,Rockwell Robert F.4,Drake Kiel L.5,Kellett Dana K.1,Brook Rodney W.6,Abraham Kenneth F.6


1. Prairie and Northern Wildlife Research Centre, Environment and Climate Change Canada Saskatoon SK Canada

2. National Wildlife Research Centre, Environment and Climate Change Canada Ottawa ON Canada

3. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada Winnipeg MB Canada

4. The American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West New York NY USA

5. Bird Studies Canada Saskatoon SK Canada

6. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Peterborough ON Canada




Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference106 articles.

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3. Habitat change at a multi-species goose breeding area on Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada, 1979–2010

4. Arctic Climate, Spring Nutrition, and Recruitment in Midcontinent Lesser Snow Geese

5. Effects of neckbands on survival and fidelity of white-fronted and Canada geese captured as non-breeding adults







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