O‐Health‐Edu: A viewpoint into the current state of oral health professional education in Europe: Part 2: Curriculum structure, facilities, staffing and quality assurance


Dixon Jonathan1ORCID,Tubert‐Jeannin Stephanie2,Davies Julia3ORCID,van Harten Maria45ORCID,Roger‐Leroi Valerie2,Vital Sibylle6,Paganelli Corrado7ORCID,Akota Ilze8,Manzanares‐Cespedes Maria Cristina9ORCID,Murphy Denis5,Gerber Gabor10,Quinn Barry511ORCID,Field James12ORCID


1. University of Sheffield Sheffield UK

2. Clermont Auvergne University Clermont‐Ferrand France

3. Malmö University Malmö Sweden

4. Trinity College Dublin Dublin Ireland

5. Association for Dental Education in Europe Dublin Ireland

6. Université Paris Cite Paris France

7. University of Brescia Brescia Italy

8. Riga Stradins University Riga Latvia

9. Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona Spain

10. Semmelweis Egyetem Budapest Hungary

11. University of Liverpool Liverpool UK

12. Cardiff University Cardiff UK


AbstractIntroductionOral health professional (OHP) education is likely to vary across Europe in accordance with an EU directive that is open to broad interpretation. It is not clear how OHP curricula are structured or delivered across Europe. The objectives of Part 2 of this paper series are: (i) to provide an overview of common practices in curriculum structure, the availability of facilities, staffing (faculty) and quality assurance processes and (ii) to consider how the existing programme structures align to stakeholder guidance documents.MethodsA total of 27 questions from a 91‐item questionnaire were used for this manuscript. The questionnaire was developed following the Delphi method to establish consensus from a group of experts. Members of the research team and colleagues from other countries in Europe completed a multi‐step piloting process. An online data hub was created to allow the respondents to be data controllers and respond to the questionnaire. ADEE member schools (n = 144) were invited to provide data.ResultsTotally, 71 institutions from 25 European countries provided data between June 2021 and April 2023, which represents a response rate of 49.3% of ADEE members. Data on curriculum approaches, teaching methods, integration of topics of interest, clinical education, staff–student ratios, access to facilities and new technologies, teaching staff (faculty) and quality assurance processes are presented for Primary Dental Degree Programmes.ConclusionTo the best of our knowledge, this series of papers are the first attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of OHP education in Europe. Results showed that the majority of European dental programmes are engaged in providing innovative and scientifically grounded education in order to develop quality future OHPs. Nevertheless, significant variability in the delivery of clinical education across the European OHP schools was notable in this dataset. A comprehensive view of the state of OHP education in Europe is not yet available but the O‐Health‐Edu data hub provides a means for all education providers in Europe to contribute data to reach this goal. It is anticipated that the data hub will be updated and built upon over time to continually establish a clearer picture of the state of OHP education in Europe.




General Dentistry,Education

Reference68 articles.

1. World Health Organisation.Draft Global Strategy on Oral Health.2021.https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/who‐discussion‐paper‐draft‐global‐strategy‐on‐oral‐health. Accessed on 12th June 2023

2. O‐HEALTH‐EDU: A scoping review on the reporting of oral health professional education in Europe

3. ARTICULATE: A European glossary of terms used in oral health professional education

4. O‐Health‐Edu : A vision for oral health professional education in Europe








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