Suicide by sodium nitrite poisoning: Findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2018–2020


Khan Harun1ORCID,Barber Catherine1,Azrael Deborah1


1. Harvard Injury Control Research Center Boston Massachusetts USA


AbstractObjectivesSuicide by sodium nitrite may be an emerging trend in the United States. Our mixed‐methods study aims to: (1) describe the rates of suicides secondary to sodium nitrite self‐poisoning in the United States between 2018 and 2020 and (2) characterize the use of sodium nitrite as a suicide method.MethodsUsing NVDRS data, descriptive statistics, population‐based incident rates/year and incidence estimates across 50 states were calculated. An inductive thematic analysis characterized the use of sodium nitrite as a suicide method on review of medical examiner and law enforcement reports.Results260 incidents were identified as suicides secondary to self‐poisoning with sodium nitrite/nitrate across 37 states and 1 territory—69% of which occurred in 2020. The typical victim was a white male student with a known depressive disorder and a history of suicidal thoughts (n = 120). The annual suicide rate using sodium nitrite increased from 0.01–0.09/100,000 person‐years over the three‐year period. Online forums were used to share knowledge on the procurement and preparation of sodium nitrite poisoning.ConclusionsSodium nitrite self‐poisoning is an increasingly used planned suicide method among young people. Further studies are required to identify the impact of means safety interventions on the incidence of sodium nitrite self‐poisoning incidents.




Psychiatry and Mental health,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Clinical Psychology

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