Emerging Hyalomma lusitanicum: From identification to vectorial role and integrated control


Valcárcel Félix1ORCID,Elhachimi L.2,Vilá M.3,Tomassone L.4ORCID,Sánchez M.156,Selles S. M. A.78,Kouidri M.9,González M. G.15,Martín‐Hernández R.10,Valcárcel Á.1112,Fernández N.6,Tercero J. M.5,Sanchis J.13,Bellido‐Blasco J.14ORCID,González‐Coloma A.15,Olmeda A. S.16


1. Grupo de Parasitología Animal Departamento de Reproducción Animal, INIA‐CSIC Madrid Spain

2. Département de parasitologie et de Santé Publique Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II Rabat Morocco

3. Grupo de Investigación COPAR (GI‐2120; USC) Departamento de Patoloxia Animal, Facultade de Veterinaria, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Lugo Spain

4. Department of Veterinary Sciences University of Turin Turin Italy

5. Villamagna S.A., Finca “La Garganta” Villanueva de Córdoba Spain

6. Facultad de Veterinaria Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (UAX) Madrid Spain

7. Institute of Veterinary Sciences University of Tiaret Tiaret Algeria

8. Laboratory of Research on Local Animal Products University of Tiaret Tiaret Algeria

9. Laboratory of Farm Animal Products University of Tiaret Tiaret Algeria

10. Laboratorio de Patología Apícola, Centro de Investigación Apícola y Agroambiental (CIAPA), IRIAF—Instituto Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario y Forestal, Marchamalo, 19180, Spain. Instituto de Recursos Humanos para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (INCRECYT—ESF/EC‐FSE) Fundación Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Castilla–La Mancha Albacete Spain

11. Lokimica S.L., c/ Valdemorillo Madrid Spain

12. Veterinary Pathobiology section University College Dublín Dublin 4 Ireland

13. Facultad de Veterinaria, CENUR Litoral Norte Universidad de la República Uruguay

14. Sección de Epidemiología, Centro de Salud Pública de Castelló CIBER‐ESP. Universitat Jaume I (UJI) Castelló Spain

15. Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias (ICA), CSIC Madrid Spain

16. Departamento de Sanidad Animal Facultad de Veterinaria, UCM Madrid Spain


AbstractIn the Mediterranean basin, the tick species Hyalomma lusitanicum Koch stands out among other species of the Hyalomma genus due to its wide distribution, and there is great concern about its potential role as a vector and/or reservoir and its continuous expansion to new areas because of climate warming and human and other animal movements. This review aims to consolidate all the information on H. lusitanicum, including taxonomy and evolution, morphological and molecular identification, life cycle, sampling methods, rearing under laboratory conditions, ecology, hosts, geographical distribution, seasonality, vector role and control methods. The availability of adequate data is extremely relevant to the development of appropriate control strategies in areas where this tick is currently distributed as well as in new areas where it could become established in the near future.




Insect Science,General Veterinary,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Parasitology

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