Factors associated with attitudes of mental health nurses towards the importance of families in mental health nursing care


Hsiao Chiu‐Yueh12ORCID,Lu Huei‐Lan3,Chiu Chin‐Kuai4,Tsai Yun‐Fang156ORCID


1. School of Nursing, College of Medicine Chang Gung University Tao‐Yuan City Taiwan, Republic of China

2. Department of Psychiatry Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Tao‐Yuan City Taiwan, Republic of China

3. Jianan Psychiatric Center Ministry of Health and Welfare Tainan Taiwan, Republic of China

4. Taoyuan Psychiatric Center Ministry of Health and Welfare Tao‐Yuan City Taiwan, Republic of China

5. Department of Nursing Chang Gung University of Science and Technology Tao‐Yuan City Taiwan, Republic of China

6. Department of Psychiatry Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Keelung Keelung City Taiwan, Republic of China


AbstractFamily involvement in mental healthcare is a key ingredient in the recovery of patients with mental illness. Research on the attitudes of mental health nurses regarding family involvement in mental healthcare remains limited. This study aimed to examine factors that affect the attitudes of mental health nurses towards the importance of family involvement in mental health nursing care. A descriptive, correlational study with a cross‐sectional design was conducted with 162 mental health nurses at two psychiatric hospitals in Taiwan. Descriptive statistics, independent t‐tests, one‐way analysis of variance, and stepwise multiple linear regression analyses were applied to analyse data. Mental health nurses generally demonstrated positive attitudes towards incorporating families into nursing care. Older age, more clinical experiences in mental healthcare, and workplace (such as working in chronic psychiatric inpatient wards) were found to be key factors for mental health nurses' attitudes. Particularly, greater competence in working with families and job satisfaction were the most significant factors associated with positive attitudes of mental health nurses towards involving families as important in nursing care. Insight into correlates of mental health nurses' attitudes towards the importance of focusing on families in care is pivotal for targeted interventions to improve nurses' attitudes towards families and, thus, implement family engagement in mental healthcare practices.


Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan




Pshychiatric Mental Health








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