Dying with dementia in nursing homes: A population‐based study of decedents and their families


Stephens Caroline E.1ORCID,Utz Rebecca2ORCID,Tay Djin1ORCID,Iacob Eli1ORCID,Hollingshaus Michael3ORCID,Goodwin Rebecca14ORCID,Farrell Timothy W.56ORCID,Bouldin Erin7ORCID,Edelman Linda1ORCID,Reinke Lynn F.1ORCID,Smith Ken8ORCID,Ellington Lee1ORCID,Ornstein Katherine9ORCID


1. College of Nursing University of Utah Salt Lake City Utah USA

2. Sociology Department University of Utah Salt Lake City Utah USA

3. Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute University of Utah Salt Lake City Utah USA

4. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Bethesda Maryland USA

5. Division of Geriatrics, Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine University of Utah Salt Lake City Utah USA

6. VA Salt Lake City Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center Salt Lake City Utah USA

7. Division of Epidemiology University of Utah Salt Lake City Utah USA

8. Huntsman Cancer Institute University of Utah Salt Lake City Utah USA

9. School of Nursing Johns Hopkins University Baltimore Maryland USA


AbstractBackgroundFamilies play a critical role in end‐of‐life (EOL) care for nursing home (NH) residents with dementia. Despite the important role of family, little is known about the availability and characteristics of families of persons with dementia who die in NHs.MethodsThis is a retrospective cohort study of 18,339 individuals 65 years and older with dementia who died in a Utah NH between 1998 and 2016, linked to their first‐degree family (FDF) members (n = 52,566; spouses = 11.3%; children = 58.3%; siblings = 30.3%). Descriptive statistics, chi‐square tests, and t‐tests were used to describe the study cohort and their FDF members and to compare sociodemographic and death characteristics of NH decedents with (n = 14,398; 78.5%) and without FDF (n = 3941; 21.5%).ResultsCompared with NH decedents with FDF, NH decedents with dementia without FDF members were more likely to be older (mean age 86.5 vs 85.5), female (70.5% vs 59.3%), non‐White/Hispanic (9.9% vs 3.2%), divorced/separated/widowed (84.4% vs 61.1%), less educated (<12th grade; 42.2% vs 33.7%), have Medicare and Medicaid (20.8% vs 12.5%), and die in a rural/frontier NH (25.0% vs 23.4%). NH decedents who did not have FDF were also more likely to die from cancer (4.2% vs 3.9%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; 3.9% vs 2.5%), and dementia (40.5% vs 38.4%) and were less likely to have 2+ inpatient hospitalizations at EOL (13.9% vs 16.2%), compared with NH decedents with FDF.ConclusionsFindings highlight differences in social determinants of health (e.g., sex, race, marital status, education, insurance, rurality) between NH decedents with dementia who do and do not have FDF—factors that may influence equity in EOL care. Understanding the role of family availability and familial characteristics on EOL care outcomes for NH residents with dementia is an important next step to informing NH dementia care interventions and health policies.


U.S. National Library of Medicine

Utah Department of Health and Human Services

Center for Clinical and Translational Science, University of Utah




Geriatrics and Gerontology








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