Circular RNA‐mediated ceRNA network was identified in human lung adenocarcinoma by high‐throughput sequencing


Chen Yongyang1,Han Xiaoling2,Huang Xiaobi1,Zhou Honglian1,Yu Hui1,Wang Lihui3,Liu Zijian1,Liu Baiyang1,Huang Jian1,Xiong Yinghuan1,Huang Jian4,Shao Yang5,Zhu Dongqin5,Liang Zhu1,Yang Zhixiong1,Su Wenmei16ORCID


1. Department of Pulmonary Oncology Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University Zhanjiang China

2. Second Faculty of Clinical Medicine Guangdong Medical University Zhanjiang China

3. Key Laboratory of Longevity and Aging‐Related Diseases of Chinese Ministry of Education, Center for Translational Medicine & School of Preclinical Medicine Guangxi Medical University Nanning China

4. Department of Thoracic Surgery Maoming People's Hospital Maoming China

5. Technical Department Nanjing Geneseeq Technology Inc. Nanjing China

6. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Autophagy and Major Chronic Non‐communicable Diseases Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University Zhanjiang China


AbstractObjectivesAberrantly expressed circular RNAs (circRNAs) have been detected in many types of tumors. Hence, they are currently investigated as candidate biomarkers for diagnostic and potential targets for therapy in cancers. The objective of this study was to assess the expression profile of circRNA in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD).MethodsThis study included 14 pairs of postoperative lung adenocarcinoma specimens, including cancer tissues and matched adjacent tissues. Second‐generation sequencing was applied to the specimens to determine the circRNA expression in them among the 5242 distinct circRNAs detected.ResultsWe identified a total of 18 significantly dysregulated circRNAs in the LUAD tissues: upregulation in four and downregulation in 14. ROC (The receiver operating characteristic curve) further suggested that hsa_circ_0120106, has_circ_0007342, has_circ_0005937, and circRNA_0000826 could potentially be used as biomarkers in the diagnosis of LUAD. Furthermore, study of the circRNA–microRNA (miRNA)–messenger RNA (mRNA) revealed interactions between the 18 dysregulated circRNA and several cancer‐related miRNAs. Finally, a further Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis showed that the cell cycle phase transition, p53 signaling pathway, AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) relative signaling pathway, and so on were key putative pathways in the process of LUAD.ConclusionsThese findings demonstrated the correlation between abnormality in circRNA expression and LUAD, which lays the foundation of making CircRNAs candidate biomarkers in the diagnosis of LUAD.


National Natural Science Foundation of China




Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Oncology,General Medicine







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