A portrait of Brazilian healthcare for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities


Silva Eder R.1ORCID,Santos Flavia H.2ORCID


1. São Paulo State University, UNESP São Paulo Brazil

2. University College Dublin Dublin Ireland


AbstractIn Brazil, the Unified Health System (SUS) is the national health system that offers free medical services to all citizens including all levels of treatment and prevention of diseases, subsidized by the government. Although SUS is universally offered, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) face challenges regarding healthcare. This article aims to present a description of the healthcare framework for people with I/DD in Brazil, as well as to characterize the Care Network for Person with Disabilities. This is a descriptive study that reports aspects of the structure and functioning of the health system in the country. In addition, we summarize core data from the National Health Survey that characterizes the health condition of people with I/DD in the country. Although Brazil has promoted legislation in favor of the health of people with I/DD and other disabilities, the obstacle is the implementation. Overall, there have been advances in SUS efficacy. However, challenges include long waiting times for diagnosis, habilitation/rehabilitation, inadequate transportation, and insufficient staff training on disability and I/DD, particularly. In this sense, it is necessary to monitor laws and inclusive actions so that the principles of the SUS are actually applied.


Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior




Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health (social science)

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