The neglected roles of adjacent natural ecosystems in maintaining bacterial diversity in agroecosystems


Peng Ziheng1ORCID,Yang Yunfeng2ORCID,Liu Yu1ORCID,Bu Lianyan1,Qi Jiejun1ORCID,Gao Hang1,Chen Shi1,Pan Haibo1,Chen Beibei1,Liang Chunling1ORCID,Li Xiaomeng1,An Yining1,Wang Shaopeng3ORCID,Wei Gehong1ORCID,Jiao Shuo1ORCID


1. National Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement for Stress Tolerance and Production, Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Agricultural and Environmental Microbiology, College of Life Sciences Northwest A&F University Yangling Shaanxi China

2. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment Tsinghua University Beijing China

3. Institute of Ecology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, and Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes of the Ministry of Education Peking University Beijing China


AbstractA central aim of community ecology is to understand how local species diversity is shaped. Agricultural activities are reshaping and filtering soil biodiversity and communities; however, ecological processes that structure agricultural communities have often overlooked the role of the regional species pool, mainly owing to the lack of large datasets across several regions. Here, we conducted a soil survey of 941 plots of agricultural and adjacent natural ecosystems (e.g., forest, wetland, grassland, and desert) in 38 regions across diverse climatic and soil gradients to evaluate whether the regional species pool of soil microbes from adjacent natural ecosystems is important in shaping agricultural soil microbial diversity and completeness. Using a framework of multiscales community assembly, we revealed that the regional species pool was an important predictor of agricultural bacterial diversity and explained a unique variation that cannot be predicted by historical legacy, large‐scale environmental factors, and local community assembly processes. Moreover, the species pool effects were associated with microbial dormancy potential, where taxa with higher dormancy potential exhibited stronger species pool effects. Bacterial diversity in regions with higher agricultural intensity was more influenced by species pool effects than that in regions with low intensity, indicating that the maintenance of agricultural biodiversity in high‐intensity regions strongly depends on species present in the surrounding landscape. Models for community completeness indicated the positive effect of regional species pool, further implying the community unsaturation and increased potential in bacterial diversity of agricultural ecosystems. Overall, our study reveals the indubitable role of regional species pool from adjacent natural ecosystems in predicting bacterial diversity, which has useful implication for biodiversity management and conservation in agricultural systems.


National Key Research and Development Program of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China




General Environmental Science,Ecology,Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary Change







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